M. Baviere (Institut Francais du Petrole)
An optimization of micro emulsion compositions is presented for a hydrocarbon/water ratio considered as characteristic. By studying the influence of the main parameters (molecular weight of hydrocarbon and amphiphilic compounds, surfactant to co surfactant concentration ratio, salinity and temperature), the results obtained show an optimal value for each of them, corresponding to the use of a minimal amount of amphiphilic compounds.
An interpretation is given, based on the equilibrium of hydrophilic and hydrophobic tendencies within the surfactant molecule, and supported by interfacial tension measurements in simpler diphasic systems where the partitioning of the surfactant between aqueous and hydrocarbon phases can be determined.
Thus a set of relationships between the parameters is established that may prove useful, from a practical point of view, in the choice of formulations. In particular, solutions are given for high temperature and brine concentration.