Gas Foams

Scaling Foam Flow Models in Heterogeneous Reservoirs for A Better Improvement of Sweep, Conference Proceedings

Authors: F. Douarche, B. Braconnier and B. Bourbiaux, IFP Energies Nouvelles

Source: ECMOR XVII, Volume 2020, p.1 - 48 DOI:, 2020

In Situ Characterization of the Texture of a Foam Flowing in a 3D Porous Medium

Authors: E. Rosenberg, L. Barre, C. Ouali, J.F. Argillier, IFP Energies nouvelles

Source: SPE 197384, Abu Dhabi International Petroleum & Exhibition, 2019

The Stakes of Foam Stability in Foam-Based EOR Processes Designed for Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs

Authors: N. Pedel, A. Delbos, G. Batot, IFP Energies nouvelles, E. Chevallier, Solvay

Source: SPE 196058, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, 2019

Foam processes in naturally fractured carbonate oil-wet reservoirs: Technical and economic analysis and optimization

Authors: S. Bouquet, F. Douarche, F. Roggero, B. Bourbiaux, IFP Energies nouvelles

Source: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume: ‏ 190, Article Number: 107111, 2020

Influence of Wettability and Oil Saturation on the Rheological Behavior of CO2-Foams

Authors: V. Beunat, G. Batôt, N. Gland, N. Pannacci, IFP Energies nouvelles The EOR Alliance , E. Chevallier, A. Cuenca, Solvay The EOR Alliance

Source: 20th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery (IOR 2019) 8 - 11 April, Pau, France, 2019

Improve Kinetics of Oil Recovery in Naturally Fractured Carbonates: Optimization of an Advanced EOR Foam Process

Authors: E. Chevallier, Solvay The EOR Alliance, S. Bouquet, N. Gland, F. Douarche, G. Batôt, IFP Energies nouvelles The EOR Alliance

Source: 20th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery (IOR 2019) 8 - 11 April, Pau, France, 2019

Study on the Impact of Core Wettability and Oil Saturation on the Rheological Behavior of CO2-Foams

Authors: V. Beunat, N. Pannacci, G. Batot, N. Gland, IFP Energies nouvelles The EOR Alliance, E. Chevallier, A. Cuenca, Solvay The EOR Alliance

Source: SPE-194963-MS, SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference, 18-21 March, Manama, Bahrain, 2019

Advanced EOR Foam in Naturally Fractured Carbonates Reservoirs: Optimal Balance Between Foam and Interfacial Tension Properties

Authors: E. Chevallier, Solvay The EOR Alliance, S. Bouquet. N. Gland, F. Douarche, G. Batôt IFPEN The EOR Alliance

Source: SPE-194992-MS, SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference, 18-21 March, Manama, Bahrain, 2019

Calibrating and scaling semi-empirical foam flow models for the assessment of foam-based EOR processes (in heterogeneous reservoirs)

Authors: O. Gassara, F. Douarche, B. Braconnier, B. Bourbiaux

Source: Transport in Porous Media, Volume: 131, Issue: 1. Special Issues SI, Pages: 193-221, 2020

Numerical simulation of foam flooding in porous media in the absence and presence of oleic phase

Authors: S. M. Hosseini-Nasab, F. Douarche, M. Simjoo, L. Nabzar, B. Bourbiaux, P. Zitha, F. Roggero

Source: Fuel 225, pp. 655-662, 2018

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